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Blog • 04 Apr 2019

Bontle mtshengu is the driving force at exxaro leeuwpan

Bontle mtshengu is the driving force at exxaro leeuwpan

Bontle Mtshengu, Exxaro’s Engineering Manager at Leeuwpan Coal Mine, hopes that the work done by her team and herself will serve as a benchmark for other Exxaro Business Units.

“The world is rapidly changing and o‌ne has to keep abreast with all the changes. Especially with regards to insights and possibilities brought o‌n by the world of technology. There is a lot happening in the asset maintenance space,” said Mtshengu.

Mtshengu says she finds joy in making a positive impact o‌n other people’s lives which makes her ideal for the position she is in. As Engineering Manager, her role is to ensure Leeuwpan engineering strategy is in place and executed to meet the business plan. As a legal appointee, she is also responsible to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Mine Health and Safety Act. This is no small task as she leads a team of well over 200 employees and contractors.

Her secret, she says, is to put systems in place and also to identify gaps that would allow her to create the ideal working environment.

“For me, leadership is about people. The most important resource for any business is its employees. Making time and taking care of their basic needs is a vital role a leader should play.

To aspiring engineers, Mtshengu has the following message: “Regardless of your background or ethnicity, don’t allow people to redirect your life. There are so many opportunities, but o‌nly you can decide how best to utilise them. You are the driver of your own destiny and you run your own race.”